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Feng Shui Business Mastery

Membership Program to design the Feng Shui business of your dreams.

You're well-practiced in Feng Shui,

you've completed your final assignments,

you've displayed your certificate in your Fame and Reputation area,


you have been practicing and honing your energetic skills every day,


YET you're not feeling like you can create a business that will sustain your lifestyle.


INTRODUCING the next level!

Feng Shui Business Mastery program with Steve and Lisa


In this program, we take you behind the scenes of our successful businesses, The Feng Shui Cure and Cloud 9 Feng Shui to help you build and scale your own business.


We will show you the business strategy along with the energetics of running a successful business in Feng Shui.

When we first began our business, we didn’t know how to stand apart from all the other practitioners.

We’ve all been to the same schools, and we’ve all been trained under the same grandmasters; and therefore, we each speak the same language, apply the same Feng Shui cures, and that’s where we start blending in with everyone else and start to feel that we need to compete on price.

The truth of the matter is money is an exchange of energy, and when your business is built on your unique experience and expertise, you can charge high ticket and be highly sought after, whether you live in a small town or big city.
Your business thrives because there is no competition.

We’ll teach you to build and maintain momentum so that you quit searching for that silver bullet to success. Feng Shui is about raising your own vibration so that you can radiate your own holistic health and joy to affect not only those in our immediate circle, but ultimately help to create a more harmonious world.

Apprentices accepted into this program will cover:

  • Refinement of your unique position and voice as it relates to your experience, wisdom, knowledge and inner joy.

  • We'll help you create an offer suite that is not only an extension of your individuality, but profitable and nourishing enough to support the lifestyle you desire.

  • We will help you create a client experience that makes them want to work with you again and again, bringing you more clients through word-of-mouth referrals.

  • We teach you our mindset best practices to help you stay focused in a very efficient and practical way.

  • We share our method of marketing practices that is organic and "feels good" so you can attract clients that are the best fit for you.

  • We integrate Lisa's Energy Upgrade work to help you clear negative energy, plug up leaks in your aura field, and restore your energy in a way that you'll become a magnet for opportunities, joy, wonder and awe.

  • We'll help clients line up to work with you, and you'll have opportunities for referrals from our client base as well as opportunities to work with us on a project (in-person or virtually).

  • Learn Steve's method of marketing using LinkedIn, and how to successfully work with those in the Real Estate industry, his experience in this area is unique and took many years to develop. 

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Hi there! I'm Lisa, your Feng Shui master trainer and quantum energy practitioner. I live in sunny Florida, own a quantum Feng Shui consultancy, and I feel aligned to supporting entrepreneurs. It lights me up to be able to affirm for my clients and students that they have a strong intuition, and there is more to life than what we can see with our eyes. When we live a life of intention, find and return to our center, our place of alignment; we are better able to navigate life's adversities with ease. And boy do entrepreneurs, especially those in a spiritual field face many challenges and many feel isolated and afraid to shine their light.

As a corporate refugee, I worked over 20 years in lifestyle marketing and live television. Since leaving, I've been a fulltime Feng Shui Professional and master trainer and have successfully maintained my abundant lifestyle as a single mom of two small children. If I can do it, so can you! It's not an easy journey, but if you're committed, I'm here to help you elevate and scale your business with the strategies I use in my own business as well as with my intuitive gifts and Energy Upgrade system. Let's get started!


Hi folks! I'm Steve, your Feng Shui Master trainer, Real Estate expert, and I have a strong affinity for scientific data, educational resources, and connecting people with my large network. Fun fact, I am in the top 5% of LinkedIn profiles, which is a very valuable tool for entrepreneurs when starting out. I am an avid reader, and I will never stop learning.

You can count on me for up-to-date research on not only best business performance practice, but also on the market, holistic mindset practices and overall wellness. Lisa and I enjoy geeking out on all of these topics, and now you can join us! Some of our students even say that I bring some comedic flair to our sessions. I'll let you decide.

Prior to becoming a Feng Shui Real Estate speaker, trainer and book author I owned a successful brokerage. The results I experienced when implementing Feng Shui into my career changed my life, enough for me to take it on fulltime over 17 years ago!

I live in Bradenton, Florida with my beautiful wife Gwen and my rescue pup, Sadie and wouldn't have it any other way. Everyone deserves to live a harmonious life, out of the rat race. It's my desire to teach you how you can join me in living a life of joy, success and fulfilment with a Feng Shui business of your own.


After applying the newly learned principles into my own life, I started to quickly see and feel shifts, including a new career path.

Within a year I have been able to grow and nurture a new business, and I am experiencing things I could not have imagined a year ago.

Not to mention, the continued mentorship I receive along the way.

My life feels fuller and more abundant than it has in a long time


A few short years ago I started feeling stuck in my space. As a priestess, I learned that my home was making me physically ill.

I started conducting some research, and at the same time a friend shared with me Marie Diamond and the power of Feng Shui.

I continued to do further research on this topic and ran across a site Cloud 9 Feng Shui and read the entire site, but it would be another few months before I brazenly take the next step.

I reached out to a school owned ran by Steve Kodad about upcoming classes and low and behold was reconnected with Lisa Alban from Cloud 9!

I want to say that it was the best decision I have made in quite some time.

Knowledgeable and Courteous I have learned so much and continue to learn under their Leadership.

I now have the ability to change not only my life, but those in my family and community. I am forever humbled and grateful for their advanced knowledge.

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When you vibrate at a certain level you attract your people. Working [with Steve and Lisa] was meant to be.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here, and so what we have is right this moment.

With all that is going on around the world... all we have is now... Find the joy...find one thing.

If you live with that joy, happiness will show up and Fear runs out the door.

Laugh every day!


  • Two Recorded Zoom training sessions a month in a group setting to discuss:

    • Unique Business Strategies​​​: 

      • We share our personal strategies with you that are proven to work and help you make them your own.​

      • Do you desire to write a book or get other content published? We share how we did just that.

      • Learn how to connect with your helpful people, building collaborative teams to support you organically.

      • Learn how we market our services, effectively and for the best value.

    • Energetics & Mindset Alignment:

      • Experience our unique methods of reducing stress, imposter syndrome so that you can maintain more even energetic levels necessary to help you sustain serving your clients fully and to maintain optimal health and manifestation abilities.​

  • Access to a library of Feng Shui, Mindset, and Business Strategy content.​

  • Voxer support in between calls​.

  • Closed and Private Facebook Group for connection, engagement, live q&a's and social media training.

  • Opportunity to work with one of our clients!

  • BONUS: 1 x one-on-one session every three months with Steve and/or Lisa to assess where you are on our path, and to tailor your support.

  • Train with us for a full year and receive a certificate of apprenticeship with two Feng Shui masters and be considered for advancement opportunities.

  • This is a sacred circle experience. Each person accepted must apply and interview with us prior to being included. If accepted, you must adhere to our ethics and honor your partners in this experience.

  • The information we are sharing in this program is proprietary.

Experience a Session with Us


Have you earned your Feng Shui Certification
How soon are you willing to start living the life you desire?

Thanks for applying!
We’ll get back to you soon and schedule your call with Lisa or Steve.

The Process

  • 1 Recorded Strategy Group Session

  • 1 Recorded Energetics Group Session

  • 1 One-on-One Personalized Guidance Session every 3 months.

  • Access to our Growing Library of Advanced Continuing Education Materials.

  • After1 Year, Certificate of Apprenticeship with Intrinsic School of Feng Shui's Business Mastery Program.

Your Invitation


$333 usd/month

Subscriptions may be paused or ended with 2 weeks' advance notice in writing.


$3,000 usd/ year

Subscriptions may be paused or ended with 2 weeks' advance notice in writing.


Energy Upgrade Session with Lisa ($333 Value).

© 2025 Intrinsic School of Feng Shui (ISFS). All rights reserved.


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